Choosing the correct guitar pick for you.

Choosing the correct Guitar Pick!

Selecting the correct guitar pick.
Selecting the correct guitar pick.

One of the questions I am often asked is “What is the best guitar pick to use”?  With so many options being made available today, due to availability in manufacturing, the choices may seem overwhelming.

Here are some guide lines that will help you choose the best pick for you and your style of playing:

Of all the guitar players I have studied over the last 3 decades, almost all of the seasoned picking guru’s (99.9%) migrate to a guitar pick that is stiff and approx 1.0mm in thickness.  Yes there are always exceptions, but 1.0mm and stiff is what keeps coming up time and time again!

Thin (flexible)  picks, although very forgiving for a heavy pick attack, flex to much and will lag behind, thus throwing off the  synchronization between right and left hand.  The end result will be sloppy playing.

Thicker (stiff) picks (1.14mm and above) will not yield enough string vibration through the pick and you will not get an adequate feel for the string.  On the scale of thinner vs thicker picks you are better off on the thicker side.

1.0mm seems to give the best balance between stiffness and feel!

Using a pick with a Sharper edge will yield more articulation, and less pick noise.  To truly gain the benefits of using a guitar pick with a sharp edge you will want to minimize your economy of motion to the best of your ability.    The traditional pick with a rounded edge tends to generate small amounts of pick noise.  This is due to a larger surface area movement across the string.  As forward sheering angle of the pick is increased the pick noise will be increased in proportion to this positive angle.

TIP:   Keep edge of your pick clean and free of burrs.  Use fine grit sandpaper (600 and above) to keep the pick surface as smooth as possible.  This will allow the pick to glide through the string easier and will generate less pick noise.

Keep your guitar pick sharp and free of burrs.
Keep your guitar pick sharp and free of burrs.


Selecting size and shape of your guitar pick is a personal preference, like buying a pair of shoes.  Go with what feels correct to you!  Make this your own personal journey.  Stop by your local guitar store and try out a few picks that are in the 1.0mm range.  Buy a couple of guitar picks that feel good and spend some time narrowing it down.

Good luck and feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Van Halen - Little Guitars performed by Scott Szeryk
Packard Goose | Performed by Scott Szeryk